What's Next?
Honestly, I don't know. Aku tak larat/malas nak pikir beria-ia sangat pasal hal ni. Pikir sampai tension...Like what had happened masa memula I got the news. I cried like a baby when I finally told hubby about it. I cried so hard, very hard. Rasanya dah lama tak nangis teruk macam tu. The last time I cried so bad was when he had an argument many-many months ago, when he did something that hurt me terribly deep. Sampai sekarang aku tak lupa lagi. Forgive, yeah...but forget, don't think so.
Anyway, even after 3 days pun, just the thought of it or the mention of it but aku dok leleh jugak. Arrrgghhh....No ! This is not good. Very bad. Hubby made me promise. "Jangan nangis lagi about this contract thing. We'll figure things out. We'll pull through together. You can always help me with my work." Thanks dear...
Word of concerns from a few close friends also certainly made me felt better. Biaq pilah kalau tak mau sambung contract tu kan. It's not the end of the world. Then dok baca blog AuntyN (Passion And Attitude), came across comment made by MakAndeh "When one door is closed on you, another one opens. Only that, do not keep looking at the closed door for too long, lest we missed out the open doors."
And these past few days, I feel good. Yeah...I actually feel good. Sekarang ni hanya menghabiskan sisa-sisa waktu terakhir kat this organization. Task dah takde lagi. Cuma tolong kat mana yang boleh ajer. Tu pun kalau diperlukan jer...hehhehe..Selebihnya, baca blog orang...heheheh...Hari ni baru je khatam baca blog Kak Sya.
17 April nanti ada interview kat Kota Damansara. Well, I'll just go and give it a try. Jangan pressure lagi...relaks relaks....Kalau ada rezeki, tak kemana.
Tapi yang paling rasa heaven sangat, yang buat hati rasa lega, tension and sedih hilang terbang melayang entah kemana is when I go home to the smiling face of adik and kakak. Terus cair...hehehehehe
Alamak comelnya kakak tu. Boleh buat menantu.
Terimakasih sebab dah khatam blog kak sya. Rezeki Allah yang beri, bukannya organisasi tempat kita kerja ni. Dia orang pun dapat rezeki bisnes dr Allah jua, so jgn risau InsyaALLAH. Berdoa dan Tawakal.
Banyakkan baca ayat seribu dinar ngan surah Al Waqiah. InsyaAllah.
Sya, at April 07, 2006 10:10 AM
Gorgeous girls you got there..hugs and kissess from aunty arena.. Insyallah sis, ada kerja lain utk u ok..
Arena, at April 07, 2006 12:21 PM
Thanks Kak Sya and Arena...Mudahan dimurahkan rezeki...Kakak comel? Kalau dengar kelazeran mulut dia, pengsan...kensel buat menantu...kehkehkehkeh...
KLMari, at April 07, 2006 2:58 PM
KLmari...memang senyuman anak2 buat kita cari...hilang terbang segala duka...apatah lagi dengan senyuman manis dari anak2 kl yang kiut miut tu....
kakak tu umur berapa eh?...boleh buat calon menantu tak?
Betul kata sya...rezeki itu dari Allah..kalau dia menutup pintu rezeki yang satu pasti ade lain yang terbuka...kerana segala yang berlaku pasti ade hikmahnya...cuma ingat bahawa Allah memberi sesuatu terkadangnya dalam yang tersirat...kita tak nampak...
Moga KLmari akan dimurahkan rezeki di tempat yang lain....
aNIe, at April 13, 2006 10:27 AM
Kak Lady, thanks for the well wishes. Really appreciate it. Kakak just turn 4 year old 19 March lepas. Tapi berborak dengan dia, macam borak dengan orang tua...hehehe...Calon menantu untuk Aeez yer? Hehehe..buleh..takde hal...
KLMari, at April 13, 2006 3:31 PM
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