Nothing much
They are going to conclude contract. Geez !!!! Was so damn dissappointed. Was so down...down and way way down. Tension pun ada. I mean, I tried my best. I was all out when I did the documentation. The verdict? "It's fine but it was not in sequence"...Too bad...too bad...And that was that.
Takperlah. Dah takde rezeki. Nak buat cemana kan..Probably I was not meant to be here...Dear hubby was very supportive. Thanks to JBMari also for the encouragement....Feels much better now though haven't found a new job. We'll see la later how. For the time being, I just want to get on with my life. It not the end of the world, hubby said....Hehhehe...
Anyway, lab report on adik's blood test came out on Monday. Of courselah positive Down Syndrome. We didn't hope for the test to come out negative on that...Anyway, dr cakap for the time being, susah nak cakap how is she going to be; illness, development, etc.... Just stick to the same paediatrician, ask for referal to other specialist if the needs arise.
But so far, she's doing fine. In fact, she's doing great. Mengesot kemain laju, macam crocodile nak tangkap mangsa when she moves. Dah boleh berpaut pada kerusi then berdiri sendiri. Lasak bukan main....Balik rumah, letak kejap aje depan tv, masuk bilik kejap, keluar semula, adik dah ada kat dapur berkemas periuk...Kelentang kelentung dibalingnya tudung periuk. Dah boleh sebut "apu" bila switch on lampu. Sebut "abah" even though kakak dia panggil daddy....Actually, semua orang dia panggil abah...heheheheh
Cuma bila dia selsema or demam tu, takes longer to heal. Seminggu lebih gitu barulah dia ok...Other than that, she's been superb.
Her next check-up will be next month. We''ll see what the paed has to say...
Sis u need to find new job ka. all the best ya, doa banyak2..Adik sounds active and lovely.. hugs to adik ya..
Arena, at March 24, 2006 3:05 PM
Haah Arena. I'll only be here until mid April. Lepaih tu tak taulah cemana. Dah 2 hari ni dok update resume pastu apply kat jobstreet ngan jobsdb. Mana ler tau kot ada keja IT tersangkut kaa..And yeah..Adik is so active and lasak yang amat. Ingatkan kakak dah habih lasak ropanya adik lagi dasat...Tapi alhamdulillah she's doing great. Probably put up her picture later. Take care ok !
KLMari, at March 24, 2006 5:09 PM
klmari...bukan semua Allah duga kesabaran dan ketabahan mereka dengan mempunyai anak istimewa..& klmari adalah insan yang bertuah...kerana dgn dugaan itu moga Allah memberikan lebih taufiq & hidayah pada keluarga klmari...take good care of her...coz she's so special...
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